Learn English Listening and Aural Training Courses

Learn English Listening Kids

Learn English Listening Kids

Learn English Listening Kids for Elocution, English spelling and English Grammar

If your child has problems speaking English or suffers from poor English spelling and grammar, then it may not be wholly due to his or her inability in learning English.

There is an important relationship between what your child can hear and how your son or daughter reproduces the sound – we call this speech perception and production.  So, if your child has a problem in distinguishing all the sounds on hearing, then he or she may struggle in speaking those sounds and reproducing those sounds in order to spell English words or use English grammar. Therefore, it is important that your child learns how to listen for the important sounds in English.  Once the sounds can be heard, then it becomes easier to break the sounds down into their sound blocks for accurate spelling in writing English.

But how many children receive ear training – also called ‘Aural training’?  Very few, yet this important skill was practised on a daily basis in schools and classrooms everywhere many years ago in dictations.  Some people argue that poor spoken English, English spelling and English grammar skills are the result of dictations having disappeared from the classroom.

More importantly, if your child suffers from poor elocution or English pronunciation, then it may be the result of impaired hearing or weak English listening skills.

As learning English listening skills are the basis of good English communication, we have designed and developed a specialised Learn English Listening for Kids e-learning programme.  The programme consists of short extracts which will teach your child how to listen in English, write in English, improve English spelling and master English grammar.  We have even made the programme affordable to fit into your budget – in fact, we try to think of everything to help kids learn English easily.

Find out more about our Learn English Listening Kids course by clicking on the link below.

Learn English Listening Skills for Children – Ear and Aural Training Course

Learning English Listening for Kids – e-Learning


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