We reiterate, Elocution Lessons Pay!
We brought to your attention the benefit of taking Elocution Classes, and the effect which English Voice Coaching has on slightly deepening the voice. A study of Chief Executive Officers has revealed that CEOs with marginally deeper voices not only tend to work for large companies, but also enjoy the benefits of higher salaries.
But could the way you sound affect your earning potential?
This is an interesting question.
Researchers over the decades have highlighted the intricate interrelationship between language and power. Studies have been carried out in the use of standard and non-standard social dialects and how the prestige attached to their use depends on the speaker’s power.
But is your speech and language important?
In the world of Business English and Professional English Communication, we believe it is.
The use of Business English requires some sophisticated and advanced forms of English pragmatics, which researchers have defined as the ‘Science of Language Use’.
Language, either in a written or spoken utterance, may be regarded as the performance of a speech act. For example, the promise to do or to ask for something, or the assertion or warning of something may form the performance of a speech act. But, a major problem is any misunderstanding between what is said, its meaning and your work colleagues’ interpretation.
It may be argued that English has a system of codes and what you say and your meaning is decoded accordingly to what is stored in your work colleagues’ long-term memory. The shape of your words – your English pronunciation and word stress – to the way that you form grammatical sentences and where you place your English sentence stress are all decoded in your work colleague’s comprehension. Any weakness in your English pronunciation or your misplacement of word stress or sentence stress may cause decoding difficulties in your work colleague. This difficulty may lead not only to a misunderstanding of what is being said, but to a misunderstanding of your intention. For example, a common complaint is that a work colleague may speak abruptly to a senior member due to weaknesses in the work colleague’s English word stress and sentence stress. In the British English workplace, such abruptness may be misinterpreted as impolite and not an acceptable form of social behaviour due to the hierarchical status of the workplace.
Therefore, it may not only be what you say but, more importantly, how you say it and to whom you say it to which may affect your earning potential.
So, it would seem that it pays to communicate well in the world of work . . .
Doesn’t it?