Elocution Lessons – By Accelerated Learning

Accelerated Elocution Lessons



Elocution Lessons by Accelerated Learning

Our latest Elocution Lessons by Accelerated Learning has just been released!

Based on our speech science approach with principles and practice supported by good evidence-base, we have created a specialised elocution course to help you speak refined British English quickly.

Elocution Lessons by Accelerated Learning is an intensive live online six week programme at 30 minutes per week.  The course is unique as you will be able to see and feel the correct British English speech sounds that you make.  This scientific approach to your Elocution lessons will help your speech muscles remember by a ‘Listen, Look, Repeat, Feel’ learning method to the production of correct British English speech sounds.


Find out more by clicking on the following link:

Intensive Elocution Lessons for Learning Elocution Quickly


The video version of Elocution Lessons by Accelerated Learning will be available on DVD video and e-learning download shortly.






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